1. Quality of healthcare services in focusIvan Radević, Vlado Dimovski, Anđelko Lojpur, Simon Colnar, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: organization, health institutions, quality, quality of healthcare services, knowledge management public health, knowledge transfer hierarchical organisational structure, trust Full text (file, 555,90 KB) This document has more files! More... |
4. An assessment of business opportunities for a software development in the m-Health fieldBrent LaRue, Marko Nikolovski, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: trženje, tržne raziskave, tržna analiza, zdravstvo, elektronsko poslovanje, mobilna telefonija, software, aplikacija, proizvodi, konkurenca, marketing, market research, market analysis, health services, electronic commerce, mobile telephony, software, application, products, competition Full text (outside link) |
5. The perceived quality of healthcare services and patient satisfaction in South African public hospitalsAimée Dorothy Wesso, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: South Africa, health services, health care, hospitals, services, quality, satisfaction, research, analysis Full text (outside link) |
6. The constitutional and economic impact of healthcare system reform in the USAKlemen Peruško, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: ZDA, zdravstvo, zdravstveno varstvo, reforme, zavarovalstvo, človekove pravice, zaščita, ekonomski vidik, pravni vidik, USA, health services, health care, reforms, insurance, human rights, protection, economic aspect, legal aspect Full text (outside link) |
7. Evolution of transfers across different age groups in SloveniaTanja Istenič, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenia, population, demography, ageing, youth, capital transfer, education, health services, public consumption, data, analysis Full text (outside link) |
8. Human resource management in a public hospitalNaida Hundur, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: BIH, zdravstvo, bolnišnice, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, kadri, management, vodenje, motiviranje, raziskave, analiza, Bosnia and Herzegovina, health services, hospitals, human resource management, personnel, management, leadership, motivation, research, analysis Full text (outside link) |
9. Employee motivation and satisfactionFaruk Maksić, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: Bosnia and Herzegovina, health services, hospitals, Clinical centre University of Sarajevo, personnel, satisfaction, motivation, labour efficiency, research Full text (outside link) |