2. Urban immunity against the pandemic within the framework of public administration, city and citizensNilüfer Negiz, Pinar Savaş-Yavuzçehre, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: urban immunity, immunized city, pandemic, COVID-19, local government, central government Full text (file, 376,06 KB) This document has more files! More... |
3. E-government effectiveness and efficiency in EU-28 and COVID-19Sabina Hodžić, Dejan Ravšelj, Dubravka Jurlina-Alibegović, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: e-government, Covid-19 measures, government efficiency, government effectiveness, two-stage least squares regression analysis Full text (file, 454,86 KB) This document has more files! More... |
4. A case study of Chinese agro-technical extension systemLinhai Mei, 2005, review article Keywords: kmetijsko pospeševanje, odločanje, uspešnost pospeševanja, Kitajska, extension activities, professional services, management, efficiency, decision making, government, work organization, China Full text (outside link) |
6. English Syllabic Consonants and the Influence of Dialect on Their Production among Speakers of SloveneMaja Ina Ruparčič, 2024, master's thesis/paper Keywords: English syllabic consonants, syllable, phonetics, Government Phonology, phonotactics, Styrian dialect group, Pannonian dialect group, Rovte dialect group Full text (file, 4,24 MB) |
7. The economics of cumulative and circular causation derived from the ideas of Veblen and GalbraithFranci Porenta, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: politična ekonomija, ekonomske teorije, ekonomisti, institucionalizem, družba, korporacije, kontrola, potrošnja, vlada, neenakost, revščina, political economy, economic theories, economists, institutionalism, society, corporations, control, consumption, government, inequality, poverty Full text (outside link) |
8. Evaluation of e-government service qualityNađa Kečo, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: BIH, javni sektor, lokalna samouprava, elektronsko poslovanje, storitve, kvaliteta, meritve, ocene, Bosnia and Herzegovina, public sector, local government, electronic commerce, services, quality, measurements, evaluation Full text (outside link) |
9. Motivation of public sector employeesMerima Karić, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: BIH, javni sektor, lokalna samouprava, občine, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, motiviranje, zadovoljstvo, primeri, Bosnia and Herzegovina, public sector, local government, communities, human resource management, motivation, satisfaction, cases Full text (outside link) |
10. Holidays for allLjubica Knežević Cvelbar, Daša Farčnik, Marko Ogorevc, 2021, other scientific articles Keywords: Slovenia, tourism, subsidies, COVID-19, tourism staycation vouchers, government support Full text (file, 363,31 KB) This document has more files! More... |