1. Fatty acid composition of muscle in Krškopolje pigs and hybrids 12Marjeta Žemva, Milena Kovač, Janja Urankar, Alenka Levart, Špela Malovrh, 2012, published scientific conference contribution Keywords: pigs, breeds, Krškopolje breed, hybrids, muscles, m. longissimus dorsi, intramuscular fat, fatty acid composition, nutritional quality Full text (outside link) |
2. Sex differences in the hepatic cholesterol sensing mechanisms in miceGregor Lorbek, Martina Perše, Simon Horvat, Ingemar Bjorkhem, Damjana Rozman, 2013, original scientific article Keywords: cholesterol synthesis, high-fat diet, gene expression, sterol, bile acid, liver, mouse Full text (file, 1,14 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Changes in body composition of university students in a country in socio-economic transitionKatja Zdešar Kotnik, Petra Golja, 2012, original scientific article Keywords: debelost, študenti, indeks telesne mase, tveganje za zdravje, obesity, college students, body mass index (BMI), body fat content, health risk assessment Full text (outside link) |
4. Tresholds of blood variables obtained by receiver operating characteristic analysis for indication of fat and glycogen content in the liver of postpartum dairy cowsOžbalt Podpečan, Petra Zrimšek, Janko Mrkun, Marko Goličnik, Anita Radovanović, Ljubomir Jovanović, Ivan Vujanac, Radiša Prodanović, Danijela Kirovski, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: cattle - metabolism, liver - physiology, adipose tissue, postpartum period, bovine liver, fat, glycogen, indication Full text (file, 1,01 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Influence of raw matter origin and production period on fatty acid composition of dry-cured hamsBožidar Žlender, Tomaž Polak, Dajana Špacapan, Darko Andronikov, Lea Demšar, 2008, original scientific article Keywords: meat products, dry-cured ham, Vipava ham, pork legs, origin, fat, composition, fatty acids, Slovenija Full text (outside link) |
6. Distribution of tissues in the carcass of Turopolje pig, anautochtonous Croatian breedMarija Đikić, Krešimir Salajpal, Danijel Karolyi, Ivan Jurić, Vlatko Rupić, 2004, original scientific article Keywords: pigs, autochthonous breeds, Turopolje pig, carcass, muscles, fat, bones, Croatia Full text (outside link) |
7. Fat quality in the indigenous Krškopolje pig reared in an enriched environmentMarjeta Žemva, Tania M. Ngapo, Špela Malovrh, Alenka Levart, Milena Kovač, 2014, original scientific article Keywords: pigs, autochthonous breeds, Krškopolje pig, enriched environment, fatty acid composition, intramuscular fat, back subcutaneous fat, quality Full text (outside link) |
8. Body composition in international sprint swimmersMilivoj Dopsaj, Ilona Judita Zuoziene, Radoje Milić, Evgeni Cherepov, Vadim Erlikh, Nerijus Masiulis, Andrea di Nino, Janez Vodičar, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: sport, swimmers, sprint swimmers, body composition, result prediction, body fat, skeletal muscle mass Full text (file, 740,79 KB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Ongoing community-based whole-food, plant-based lifestyle effectively preserves muscle mass during body mass lossBoštjan Jakše, Barbara Jakše, Uroš Godnov, Stanislav Pinter, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: body composition, whole-food, plant-based diet, physical activity, resistance workout, support system, body mass, body fat, muscle mass, phase angle Full text (file, 463,81 KB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Tff3 deficiency protects against hepatic fat accumulation after Prolonged high-fat dietKate Šešelja, Iva Bazina, Milka Vrecl, Jessica Welss, Martin Schicht, Martina Mihalj, Vjekoslav Kopačin, Friedrich Paulsen, Tatjana Pirman, Mirela Baus Lončar, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: trefoil peptide 3, liver, high-fat diet, metabolic syndrome, lipid metabolism Full text (file, 2,69 MB) This document has more files! More... |