1. The influence of cultural background on entrepreneurial leadershipMarko Stojanovski, 2020, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenia, North Macedonia, entrepreneurship, enterprises, leadership, culture, corporate culture, education, international comparisons Full text (outside link) |
3. The value of advisors to business owners in the process of selling an equity stakeTim Lep, 2020, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenia, entrepreneurship, company takeovers, mergers, ownership, consulting, valuation, risk, period 2000-2019 Full text (outside link) |
5. Entrepreneurship in wood economy and a proposition for an entrepreneurial modelJože Kropivšek, Cene Šubic, Leon Oblak, 2009, original scientific article Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurial model, GEM, wood economy Full text (file, 450,81 KB) |
6. Psychological and sociological determinants of entrepreneurial intentions and behaviorsBoštjan Antončič, Jasna Auer Antončič, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: business efficiency, personality characteristics, sociological background, small enterprises, medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, start-ups Full text (file, 2,74 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. The influence of entrepreneurship and SME's on economic growth in KosovoValon Hyseni, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: economic development, economic growth, entrepreneurship, SMEs, production, manpower, technological development, research, analysis Full text (outside link) |
8. The determinants of capital structure in small and medium-sized companiesSnežana Sokolovska, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: entrepreneurship, enterprises, SMEs, capital, structure, financing, hypotheses testing, measurements, evaluation, models Full text (outside link) |
10. An analysis of design thinking and innovation management approaches in European business schoolsGiedre Šadeikaite, 2017, master's thesis Keywords: educational system, business schools, learning, entrepreneurship, design thinking, innovativeness, innovations, research, analysis Full text (outside link) |