5. Distribution and status of medicinal leeches (genus Hirudo) in the Western PalaearcticSerge Y. Utevsky, Maja Zagmajster, Andrei Atemasov, Oleksandr Zinenko, Olga Utevska, Andrei Y. Utevsky, Peter Trontelj, 2010, original scientific article Keywords: Hirudo medicinalis, Hirudo verbana, Hirudo troctina, Hirudo orientalis, ecology, biogeography, conservation Full text (outside link) |
7. Reproductive biology, mating behavior, and vibratory communication of the brown-winged stink bug, Edessa meditabunda (Fabr.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)Cleonor Cavalcante A. Silva, Raúl Alberto Laumann, Jonatas Barbosa Cavalcante Ferreira, Maria Carolina Blassioli Moraes, Miguel Borges, Andrej Čokl, 2012, original scientific article Keywords: animal ecology, animal communication Full text (outside link) |