1. Preučevanje ustreznosti prognostičnega modela SIMLEP za varstvo krompirja pred koloradskim hroščem (Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Say], Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) v SlovenijiKatarina Kos, Beate Tschöpe, Erich Jörg, Stanislav Trdan, 2009, original scientific article Keywords: potatoes, field experimentation, decision support, models, forecasting, pest developmental stages, pest resistance, pest control Full text (outside link) |
3. Combinatorial optimization of Boolean satisfiability problemsSamo Tuma, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: MAX-3SAT, hybrid genetic algorythm, local search optimization, parallelization, decision problems, computer science, diploma Full text (file, 1005,18 KB) |
4. Presoja najema enosobnega stanovanja glede na različno oddaljenost od LjubljaneNina Pečar, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, odločanje o najemu, potni stroški, primerjava najemnin, primerjava potnih stroškov, prosto oblikovana najemnina, različna odaljenost od Ljubljane, graduation thesis, civil engineering, different distance from Ljubljana, comparison of rents, comparison of travel expenses, freely formulated rent, renter's decision, travel expenses Full text (file, 2,03 MB) |
6. ICT - tools for providing information, advice and services for rural SMEe?2006, proceedings of professional or unreviewed scientific conference contributions Keywords: informacije, informacijska tehnologija, znanje, odločanje, industrija, SMEs, podjetje, mala podjetja, srednja podjetja, ICT, kmetijstvo, information, information technology, knowledge, decision making, industry, SMEs, enterprises, small and medium sized enterprises, ICT, agriculture Full text (outside link) |
7. New approaches in GMO detectionMaddalena Querci, Marc Van den Bulcke, Jana Žel, G. van den Eede, Hermann Broll, 2010, review article Keywords: genetically modified organism, genetically modified organism detection, detection strategies, high-throughput systems, matrix approach, decision support systems Full text (outside link) |