1. Fotogrametrični zajem kapelic in njihova predstavitev na Geopediji in Google ZemljiTomaž Merkun, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, TUN, bliţjeslikovna fotogrametrija, zajem podatkov, Geopedia, Google Zemlja, kapelica, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, close range photogrammetry, data acquisition, Geopedia, Google Earth, small chapel Full text (file, 5,97 MB) |
3. Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife researchM. P. G Hofman, Matt W. Hayward, M. Heim, P. Marchand, C. M. Rolandsen, J. Mattisson, F. Urbano, Marco Heurich, A. Mysterud, Joerg Melzheimer, Klemen Jerina, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: forests, data acquisition, wildlife, temperate forests, questionnaires, animal performance, data reduction, global positioning system, gps Full text (outside link) |
4. Raspberry Pi-based low-cost connected device for assessing road surface frictionMiha Ambrož, Uroš Hudomalj, Alexander Marinšek, Roman Kamnik, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: data acquisition, skid resistance, friction, braking, deceleration, raspberry Pi Full text (file, 2,35 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. The implementation of a low power environmental monitoring and soil moisture measurement system based on UHF RFIDŽiga Korošak, Nejc Suhadolnik, Anton Pleteršek, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: RFID, moisture sensors, low power microcontroller, data acquisition, precision agriculture, relative humidity, UHF tag, environmental monitoring, sensors Full text (file, 2,38 MB) This document has more files! More... |