1. Razdelitev stroškov komunalnega opremljanja zemljišč za gradnjoMiha Bogataj, 2006, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, komunalni prispevek, program opremljanja, komunalno opremljanje, opremljanje zemljišč za gradnjo, komunalna infrastruktura, komunalna oprema, zakon o urejanju prostora, zakon o stavbnih zemljiščih, navodilo za izračun komunalnega prispevka, navodilo o vsebini programaopremljanju stavbnih zemljišč Baugesetzbuch, public utilities charge, public utilities infrastructure, equipping land, distribution pf public utilities costs Full text (file, 1,62 MB) |
2. Optimization of energy consumption and costs of wood drying with use of different drying techniquesŽeljko Gorišek, Aleš Straže, 2010, original scientific article Keywords: kiln wood drying, air drying, beech wood, energy consumption, drying costs, drying simulation Full text (file, 2,64 MB) |
3. Optimization techniques for green layout design in manufacturing industriesSheik Sulaiman Sherfudeen, Muthiah Athinamilagi, Janakiraman Venkataramanujam, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: adaptive salp swarm optimization, bi-objective function, emission, evolutionary computation, layout design, total handling costs Full text (file, 1,55 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Presoja finančnih posledic operativnega programa odvajanja in čiščenja komunalne odpadne vode v občini TrebnjeAndrej Gričar, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, VSŠ, operativni program, odvajanje in čiščenje, komunalne odpadne vode, kanalizacija, populacijski ekvivalent, zakon, male čistilne naprave, stroški, investicije, civil engineering, VSŠ, operative program, draining off and cleaning, communal wastewater, sewer, population equivalent, law, small wastewater treatment plant, costs, investments Full text (file, 3,08 MB) |
5. Momentum effect in frontier capital marketsNejc Orel, 2013, master's thesis Keywords: finančni trg, trg kapitala, kapital, investicije, vedenjske finance, psihologija, opcije, strategija, donos, stroški, tveganje, financial market, capital market, capital, investments, behavioral finance, psychology, options, strategy, yield, costs, risk Full text (outside link) |
7. Pharmaceutical product liability, litigation regimes, and the propensity to patentMitja Kovač, Salvini Datta, Rok Spruk, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: medications, patents, administrative litigation, tort law, liability, litigation, propensity to patent, transaction costs Full text (file, 397,39 KB) This document has more files! More... |