Keywords: pandemics, epidemics, coronavirus, COVID-19, psychology, stress, coping behavior, psychological needs, the basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration scale BPNSFS, the perceived stress scale PSS, mental health continuum - short form MHC-SF, COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19-related stressors, basic psychological needs, psychological functioning, mediationFull text (outside link) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: adverse childhood experiences, child abuse, coping behavior, early experience, somatization, protective factors, resilience (psychological), self-concept, symptoms, Somatic symptoms scale, Adverse childhood experiences scale, International trauma questionnaire ITQ, Brief resilient coping scale, disturbances in self-organization, resilient coping, moderated mediationFull text (file, 107,98 KB)
Keywords: pandemics, epidemics, coronavirus, COVID-19, well-being, stress, coping behavior, psychology, meaning, distress, Meaning-centered coping scale MCCS, Depression, anxiety and stress scale DASS-21, Brief coping orientation to problems experienced - Brief COPE, The PERMA profiler, Ex post facto studyFull text (outside link)
Keywords: pandemics, epidemics, coronavirus, COVID-19, well being, stress, coping behavior, coping style, psychology, meaning, distress, Meaning-centered coping scale MCCS, Depression, anxiety and stress scale DASS-21, Brief coping orientation to problems experienced - Brief COPE, The PERMA profiler, Acceptance and action questionnaire AAQ II, psychological inflexibility, mediation, well-being, ill-being, coping, meaning-centered copingFull text (file, 959,71 KB) This document has more files! More...