1. Monte-Carlo Tree Search in chess endgamesAndraž Kohne, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: computer science, Monte-Carlo, tree, chess, tablebases, endgame, search, computer science, computer and information science, computer science and mathematics, interdisciplinary studies, diploma Full text (file, 636,45 KB) |
2. On data integrity in cloud storageBisera Milosheska, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: computer science, cloud computing, cloud storage, data integrity, cloud computing services, computer and information science, diploma Full text (file, 1,48 MB) |
4. The NCD programming languageAmbrož Bizjak, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: programming language, bactracking, roll-back, event-driven, asynchronous, network configuration, computer science, computer and information science, computer science and mathematics, diploma Full text (file, 536,06 KB) |
5. Network structural properties and their application to missing property predictionKlemen Simonič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: Linked Data, graph mining, network, structural properties, missing properties, prediction, computer science, computer and information science, computer science and mathematics, diploma Full text (file, 1,06 MB) |
6. Visualization and analysis of the space of prediction modelsMiha Štajdohar, 2012, doctoral dissertation Keywords: vizualizacija informacij, analiza podatkov, vizualno odkrivanje znanja v podatkih, strojno učenje, klasifikacija, uvrščanje, razpoznavanje vzorcev, meta učenje, kombiniranje algoritmov strojnega učenja, risanje omrežij, analiza omrežij, optimizacija ponazoritve omrežij, odkrivanje gruč v omrežjih, information visualization, exploratory data analysis, visual data mining, machine learning, data mining, meta learning, ensemble learning, network layout optimization, network analysis, community deetection in graphs, computer science, doctoral dissertations, theses Full text (file, 39,32 MB) |
7. Analysis of emergency medical service systemAndraž Žagar, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: emergency medical services, data visualization, data analysis, computer science, computer and information science, computer science and mathematics, diploma Full text (file, 3,43 MB) |
8. A Markov random field based autonomous image segmentationAleksandar Dimitriev, 2014, undergraduate thesis Keywords: segmentation, support vector machines, SVM, Markov random field, MRF, unsupervised learning, computer science, computer and information science, diploma Full text (file, 3,19 MB) |
9. Modeling relation between technical parameters of web page design and its aestethicsDražen Perić, 2015, master's thesis Keywords: web design, machine learning, HTML, CSS, evaluation, chrome extension, computer science, computer and information science, master's degree Full text (file, 990,35 KB) |
10. Object detection with constellations of keypointsDomen Rački, 2015, master's thesis Keywords: one-shot learning, keypoints, geometry, variance, constellation, object detection, SIFT, GHT, MLESAC, MND, computer science, computer and information science, master's degree Full text (file, 10,85 MB) |