2. ANALIZA DELOVANJA IZBRANE NEPRIDOBITNE ORGANIZACIJESERGEJ CEGLAR, 2020, undergraduate thesis Keywords: nepridobitna organizacija, ZPM Ljubljana Moste-Polje, Friends of youth, Friends of the Children, donatorstvo, prostovoljstvo, prekarno zaposlovanje Full text (file, 1,27 MB) |
3. What makes a difference2013, proceedings Keywords: evalvacija programa, zgodnja intervencija, otroci, starši, razvoj otroka, zborniki, program evaluation, early intervention, children, parents, childhood development, readers Full text (outside link) |
4. Drawing development of identical and non-identical twinsUršula Podobnik, Vilma Peternel, Jurij Selan, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: triplets, identical twins, non-identical twins, drawing development, children drawing, drawing Full text (file, 2,14 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Children's physical activity, academic performance, and cognitive functioningVedrana Sember, Gregor Jurak, Marjeta Kovač, Shawnda A. Morrison, Gregor Starc, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: physical activity, academic performance, teaching qualifications, children, adolescents, intervention Full text (file, 930,27 KB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Increasing trends in childhood overweight have mostly reversedMaroje Sorić, Gregor Jurak, Saša Đurić, Marjeta Kovač, Janko Strel, Gregor Starc, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: sport, physical education, overweight, children, youth, Slovenia Full text (file, 2,98 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. A clinical perspective on imaging in juvenile idiopathic arthritisMaria Tarsia, Mojca Zajc Avramovič, Ana Gazikalović, Damjana Ključevšek, Tadej Avčin, 2024, review article Keywords: children, conventional radiography, imaging, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound Full text (file, 2,33 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Global structures and local network mechanisms of knowledge-flow networksMarjan Cugmas, Anuška Ferligoj, Miha Škerlavaj, Aleš Žiberna, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: febrile children, hospitalization, markers of disease, disease severity Full text (file, 3,21 MB) This document has more files! More... |