1. Practice on creating a common reference concrete for "Round Robin Testing" programmes based on the experience from COST Action TU1404Marijana Serdar, Stéphanie Staquet, Dirk Schlicke, Emmanuel Rozière, Miguel Azenha, Sreejith Nanukuttan, Ivan Gabrijel, Özlem Cizer, Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov, Aljoša Šajna, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: laboratory tests, "Round Robin Testing", cement-based materials, compressive strength, slump, air content, concrete temperature, fresh density, statistical analysis Full text (outside link) |
2. February 2003 marine atmospheric conditions and the bora over the northern AdriaticC.E. Dorman, Vlado Malačič, 2006, original scientific article Keywords: morje, Jadransko morje, vetrovi, burja, terenska opazovanja, vetrno polje, severovzhodnik, meteorologija, temperatura zraka, oceanografski podatki, COAMPS, radiosonda, ISMAR-CNR, wind, sea, Adriatic sea, bora, Gulf of Triest, meteorology, air temperature, sea surface temperature, Northern Adriatic, diurnal cycle, RADARSAT, Trieste Jet, oceanography Full text (outside link) |
3. Application of copula functions for rainfall interception modellingNejc Bezak, Katarina Zabret, Mojca Šraj, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: copula functions, rainfall interception, modelling, pine tree, birch tree, air temperature, decision trees, vapour pressure deficit Full text (file, 2,47 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Impact of the mean daily air temperature calculation on the rainfall-runoff modellingNejc Bezak, Lazar Cerović, Mojca Šraj, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: mean daily air temperature, hydrological modelling, input data, Slovenia, rainfall-runoff, conceptual model Full text (file, 3,94 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Forecasting the daily maximal and minimal temperatures from radiosonde measurements using neural networksGregor Skok, Doruntina Hoxha, Žiga Zaplotnik, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: machine learning, neural networks, weather forecasting, air temperature, climatology, radiosonde measurements, prediction, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, explainable AI Full text (file, 3,06 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Effects of heat waves on soil temperatures in SloveniaTjaša Pogačar, Lučka Kajfež-Bogataj, Rok Kuk, Zalika Črepinšek, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: soil temperature, heat waves, air temperature, climate change Full text (file, 342,99 KB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Different development of global warming (GW) and urban heat island (UHI) in the city of ZagrebOgnjen Bonacci, Adrijana Vrsalović, Tanja Roje-Bonacci, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: global warming, urban heat island, air temperature trend, day-to-day air temperature variability, diurnal air temperature range, Zagreb City Full text (file, 1,70 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Changes in daily air temperatures and precipitation across the Sava River Basin and their correlation with large-scale atmospheric circulationsMatej Ogrin, Darko Ogrin, Dragan Milošević, Milana Pantelić, Dragan Dolinaj, Tajan Trobec, Kristina Glojek, Stevan Savić, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: climatogeography, air temperature, precipitation, atmospheric circulations, Southeast Europe, Slovenia Full text (file, 1007,94 KB) This document has more files! More... |