1. Draft genome sequence of the oxytetracycline-producing bacterium Streptomyces rimosus ATCC 10970Florence E. Pethick, Alison C. MacFadyen, Zhenyu Tang, Vartul Sangal, Tze-Tze Liu, Ju Chu, Gregor Kosec, Hrvoje Petković, Meijin Guo, Ralph Kirby, Paul A. Hoskisson, Paul R. Herron, Iain S. Hunter, 2013, other scientific articles Keywords: molekularna genetika, Streptomyces rimosus, antibiotiki, oksitetraciklin, genom, nukleotidno zaporedje Full text (outside link) |
5. Optimizacija gojenja bakterije Streptomyces rimosus za pridobivanje rekombinantne serinske proteinaze pernizinElena Štefančić, 2018, master's thesis Keywords: biotehnologija, Streptomyces rimosus, rekombinantna produkcija, serinska proteinaza, pernizin, optimizacija gojišča, sekundarni metaboliti Full text (file, 2,21 MB) |
6. Heterologno izražanje genov terpenoidne biosintezne poti v izbranih sevih Streptomyces sp.Eva Uranič, 2018, master's thesis Keywords: Streptomyces rimosus, heterologno izražanje, biosinteza, β-karoten, mevalonatna pot, pot deoksiksiluloza-5-fosfata, izopentenil difosfat, plazmidi Full text (file, 3,64 MB) |
8. Production of extracellular heterologous proteins in Streptomyces rimosus, producer of the antibiotic oxytetracyclineAndres Felipe Carrillo Rincon, Vasilka Magdevska, Luka Kranjc, Štefan Fujs, Rolf Müller, Hrvoje Petković, original scientific article Keywords: Streptomyces rimosus, heterologous protein production, gene expression, gene tools, reporter system, phytase Full text (file, 1,38 MB) This document has more files! More... |