1. Use of a real-time LAMP isothermal assay for detecting 16SrII and XII phytoplasmas in fruit and weeds of the Ethiopian Rift ValleyB. Bekele, Janet Hodgetts, J. Tomlinson, Neil Boonham, Petra Nikolić, Philip Swarbrick, M. Dickinson, 2011, original scientific article Keywords: citrus, diagnostics (biology), LAMP assay, papaya Full text (outside link) |
2. LAMP, MEAN, ANNE - kaj izbrati za razvoj spletne aplikacije?Tim Cestnik, 2016, bachelor thesis/paper Keywords: skupine tehnologij za razvoj spletnih aplikacij, LAMP, MEAN, ANNE, JavaScript Full text (file, 1,05 MB) |
3. Vzpostavitev metode za ugotavljanje prisotnosti genov sitA, traT in ompT pri sevih Escherichia coli iz perutnineMarjetka Lotrič, 2018, master's thesis Keywords: Escherichia coli, sevi APEC, bakterijske bolezni, perutnina, kolibaciloza, molekularne metode, z zanko posredovano izotermalno pomnoževanje DNA, LAMP, gen sitA, gen traT, gen ompT Full text (file, 1,57 MB) |
4. Compact UV LED lamp with low heat emissions for biological research applicationsMatija Pirc, Simon Caserman, Polonca Ferk, Marko Topič, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: UV lamp, LED, UVA, UVB, incubator, bioassay Full text (file, 6,27 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Razvoj metode z zanko posredovanega izotermalnega pomnoževanja za določanje gliv rodu Verticillium.Zarja Grgič, 2019, master's thesis Keywords: Verticillium, identifikacija, LAMP, molekularna genetika, začetni oligonukleotidi, PCR, patogene glive Full text (file, 4,70 MB) |
7. Robust saliva-based RNA extraction-free one-step nucleic acid amplification test for mass SARS-CoV-2 monitoringEva Rajh, Tina Šket, Arne Praznik, Petra Sušjan-Leite, Alenka Šmid, Dunja Urbančič, Irena Mlinarič-Raščan, Polona Kogovšek, Tina Demšar, Mojca Milavec, Katarina Prosenc Trilar, Žiga Jensterle, Mihaela Zidarn, Viktorija Tomič, Gabriele Turel, Tatjana Lejko-Zupanc, Roman Jerala, Mojca Benčina, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: oral cavity swab, passive drool, pooling, saliva, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, LAMP, RT-qPCR, COVID-19 serological testing, real-time polymerase chain reaction Full text (file, 2,20 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Loop-mediated isothermal amplificationPolona Kogovšek, Jerneja Ambrožič, Alenka Dovč, Tanja Dreo, Hristo Hristov, Uroš Krapež, Maja Ravnikar, Brigita Slavec, Marjetka Lotrič, Jana Žel, Olga Zorman-Rojs, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: APEC virulence genes, isothermal amplification LAMP, on-site detection, colibacillosis Full text (file, 177,01 KB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Novel identification of the collection of pathogenic fungal species Verticillium with the development of species-specific SSR markersTaja Jeseničnik, Anela Kaurin, Zarja Grgič, Sebastjan Radišek, Jernej Jakše, Nataša Štajner, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: classification, LAMP, multiplex PCR, SSR marker, Vericillium Full text (file, 2,87 MB) This document has more files! More... |