2. Kakovost hrušk (Pyrus communis L.) sorte 'Conference' po prekrivanju plodov s papirnatimi vrečkamiGoran Kranjc, 2008, undergraduate thesis Keywords: sadjarstvo, hruške, Pyrus communis, Conference, papirnate vrečke, uporaba, kakovost Full text (file, 1,23 MB) |
3. Vpliv redčenja na pridelek in kakovost hrušk (Pyrus communis L.) sorte 'Conference'Barbara Cvelbar, 2009, undergraduate thesis Keywords: sadjarstvo, hruška, Pyrus communis, Conference, redčenje, pridelek, kakovost Full text (file, 2,85 MB) |
4. Vpliv redčenja navadne hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sorte 'Conference' z ATS na pridelekNevenka Grm, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: sadjarstvo, hruške, Pyrus communis, Conference, kakovost, pridelek, redčenje plodov, ATS Full text (file, 2,31 MB) |
5. RAZVOJ NOVEGA PRISTOPA ITU K MEDNARODNEMU UPRAVLJANJU FREKVENČNEGA SPEKTRA IN PROCESOM STANDARDIZACIJEDUŠAN SCHUSTER, 2015, dissertation Keywords: Radiofrekvenčni spekter, Standardizacija, ITU, Države članice, Reforme, Plenipotentiary Conference (PP), Assembly (RA, WTSA), Constitution (CS), Convention (CV), FSM, RR, IFRB, Rules of Procedure (RoP), RRB, WRC, WCIT, ITR Full text (file, 1,54 MB) |
6. Vsebnost izbranih metabolitov v listih in plodovih hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sort 'Williams' and 'Conference' glede na arhitektonsko zgradbo rodne vejeMateja Colarič, 2007, doctoral dissertation Keywords: sadjarstvo, hruške, Pyrus communis, Williams, Conference, plodovi, listi, ogljikovi hidrati, sladkorji, organske kisline, fenoli, rodne veje, upogibanje rodnih vej Full text (file, 5,44 MB) |
7. Vpliv različnih podlag na pridelek hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sort 'Conference', 'Abate Fetel' in 'Viljamovka'Janja Klemenčič, 2013, master's thesis Keywords: sadjarstvo, hruška, Pyrus communis L., podlage, sorte, Conference, Abate Fetel, Viljamovka, pridelek Full text (file, 1,32 MB) |
8. Razvoj ploda navadne hruške (Pyrus communis L.) sort 'Viljamovka' in 'Conference'Nejc Kovačič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: sadjarstvo, hruška, Pyrus communis L., plodovi, razvoj ploda, Viljamovka, Conference Full text (file, 1,42 MB) |
9. Vpliv redčenja na kakovost plodov hrušk (Pyrus communis L.) sorte 'Conference'Luka Hribar, 2007, undergraduate thesis Keywords: sadjarstvo, hruške, Pyrus communis, Conference, redčenje, kemično redčenje, ročno redčenje, pridelek, kakovost Full text (file, 570,79 KB) |
10. Cross-lingual word embeddings for knowledge transfer in less-represented languagesTadej Škvorc, 2022, doctoral dissertation Keywords: natural language processing, deep learning, neural networks, machine learning, text embeddings, knowledge transfer, idiom detection, conference scheduling, multilingual embeddings, contextual embeddings Full text (file, 1,21 MB) |