Keywords: elementary particle physics, particle detectors, solid state detectors, Cherenkov detectors, ring imaging Cherenkov counters, silicon photomultipliers, light concentratorsFull text (file, 35,17 MB)
Keywords: The Belle II spectrometer, calibration, Cherenkov photons, the charged kaon/pion separation, hybrid avalanche photodetector, particle identification, Ring-Imaging Cherenkov detector.Full text (file, 95,42 MB)
Keywords: Cherenkov radiation, Cherenkov detectors, Standards and calibration, Spectrometers and spectroscopic techniques, Experimental methods and instrumentation for elementary-particle and nuclear physics, Data analysis.Full text (file, 36,36 MB)
Keywords: PET, Cherenkov, PbF2, TOF, CTR, SiPM.Full text (file, 71,24 MB)
Keywords: TOF PET, Cherenkov radiation, multi-sided crystal readout, PbF$_2$, Geant4/GATE Monte Carlo simulation, CASToR, NEMA NU 2-2018Full text (file, 27,11 MB)
Keywords: Cherenkov radiator, LHCb detector, aerogel, RICH, multianode PMTs, LHCb, CERN SPS beam testFull text (file, 1022,80 KB) This document has more files! More...