1. A long-term follow-up study of slash bundling in fast-growing eucalypt plantationsRaffaele Spinelli, Natascia Magagnotti, Alberto Assirelli, João Pedro Martins, Matevž Mihelič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: harvesting, biomass, productivity, downtime, utilization Full text (file, 1,95 MB) This document has more files! More... |
2. Logging residue chipping options for short rotation poplar plantationsRaffaele Spinelli, Matevž Mihelič, Barnabáš Kováč, Patrik Heger, Natascia Magagnotti, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: forestry, efficiency, productivity, cost Full text (file, 1,01 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Evaluation of different modes for yarding windthrown timber with a double-hitch carriageRaffaele Spinelli, Karl Stampfer, Natascia Magagnotti, Giulio Cosola, Fabio De Francesco, Gernot Erber, Matevž Mihelič, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: harvesting, logging, steep terrain, carriage, horizontal yarding, work safety, efficiency Full text (file, 1,67 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. The effect of feedstock, knife wear and work station on the exposure to noise and vibrations in wood chipping operationsAnton Poje, Raffaele Spinelli, Natascia Magagnotti, Matevž Mihelič, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: biomass, fuelwood, ergonomics, safety, biomasa, lesna goriva, sekalnik, tresenje Full text (outside link) |
6. A low-investment option for the integrated semi-mechanized harvesting of small-scale, short-rotation Poplar plantationsRaffaele Spinelli, Natascia Magagnotti, Carolina Lombardini, Matevž Mihelič, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: logging, felling, productivity, cost, effciency, investment Full text (file, 480,00 KB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Fitocenološka združba kot kazalnik občutljivosti gozdnih tal za vožnjo gozdarske mehanizacijeGašper Ogrin, Raffaele Spinelli, Natascia Magagnotti, Velid Halilović, Matevž Mihelič, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: gozdarstvo, zbijanje tal, gozdna tla, fitocenoza, globina kolesnic Full text (file, 1,64 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. The effect of knife wear and sharpening mode on chipper productivity and delaysMatevž Mihelič, Dinko Vusić, Branko Ursić, Antonio Zadro, Raffaele Spinelli, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: dry sharpening, wet sharpening, delay time Full text (file, 2,77 MB) This document has more files! More... |