1. Robust saliva-based RNA extraction-free one-step nucleic acid amplification test for mass SARS-CoV-2 monitoringEva Rajh, Tina Šket, Arne Praznik, Petra Sušjan-Leite, Alenka Šmid, Dunja Urbančič, Irena Mlinarič-Raščan, Polona Kogovšek, Tina Demšar, Mojca Milavec, Katarina Prosenc Trilar, Žiga Jensterle, Mihaela Zidarn, Viktorija Tomič, Gabriele Turel, Tatjana Lejko-Zupanc, Roman Jerala, Mojca Benčina, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: oral cavity swab, passive drool, pooling, saliva, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, LAMP, RT-qPCR, COVID-19 serological testing, real-time polymerase chain reaction Full text (file, 2,20 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Ozaveščenost o nevarnostih pelinolistne ambrozije in pogostost senzibilizacije za alergene v vdihanem zraku pri izbranih skupinah ljudi v Brežiško-Krški kotliniLidija Štarkl, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: sanitarno inženirstvo, pelinolistna ambrozija, cvetni prah, alergije, alergološko testiranje, senzibilizacija, imunoterapija, aerobiologija Full text (file, 3,38 MB) |
5. High burden of clonal mast cell disorders and hereditary α-tryptasemia in patients who need Hymenoptera venom immunotherapyPeter Korošec, Gunter J. Sturm, Jonathan J. Lyons, Tinkara Pirc Marolt, Manca Svetina, Mitja Košnik, Mihaela Zidarn, Mark Kačar, Nina Frelih, Nika Lalek, Ajda Demšar Luzar, Samo Zver, Matevž Škerget, Ewa Czarnobilska, Wojciech Dyga, Sanja Popović-Grle, Miroslav Samaržija, Lisa Arzt-Gradwohl, Urban Čerpes, Grzegorz Porebski, Branko Pevec, Eva Schadelbauer, Peter Kopač, Julij Šelb, Matija Rijavec, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: anaphylaxis, hereditary α-tryptasemia, hypersensitivity, immunotherapy, mast cell, mastocytosis, venom Full text (file, 7,47 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Patch testing with the European baseline series and 10 added allergensMojca Bizjak, Katja Adamič, Nisera Bajrović, Renato Eržen, Maja Jošt, Peter Kopač, Mitja Košnik, Nika Lalek, Mihaela Zidarn, Dejan Dinevski, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: clinical epidemiology, baseline series, contact sensitization, patch tests, simultaneous reactivity, allergy and immunology, diagnosis, hypersensitivity, skin tests Full text (file, 1,29 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. The CC2D2B is a novel genetic modifier of the clinical phenotype in patients with hereditary angioedema due to C1 inhibitor deficiencyNina Rupar, Julij Šelb, Mitja Košnik, Mihaela Zidarn, Slađana Andrejević, Ljerka Čulav, Vesna Grivčeva-Panovska, Peter Korošec, Matija Rijavec, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: hereditary angioedema, C1 inhibitor deficiency, genetic modifiers, clinical phenotype, genotype-phenotype correlation, genetic variant, SERPING1, CC2D2B Full text (file, 4,80 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Blood transcriptomics identifies multiple gene expression pathways associated with the clinical efficacy of Hymenoptera venom immunotherapyAjda Demšar Luzar, Peter Korošec, Mitja Košnik, Mihaela Zidarn, Matija Rijavec, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: Hymenoptera venom immunotherapy, longitudinal transcriptomic profiling, tolerance induction, successful venom immunotherapy Full text (file, 2,76 MB) This document has more files! More... |