1. Pomen mikoriznih gliv za rast in razvoj izbranih vrst trajnicMatej Vošnjak, 2017, master's thesis Keywords: hortikultura, okrasne rastline, trajnice, Nepeta racemosa, Ajania pacifica, mikorizne glive, glivna kolonizacija, gnojenje, fosfor, rast, cvetenje Full text (file, 3,02 MB) |
2. Vpliv temperature, namakanja in osvetlitve na fiziološki odziv v brstih, listih in plodovih češnje (Prunus avium L.)Matej Vošnjak, 2021, doctoral dissertation Keywords: temperatura, namakanje, osvetlitev, stres, primarni metaboliti, sekundarni metaboliti, fotosinteza, fotokemična učinkovitost Full text (file, 5,38 MB) |
3. Physio-biochemical responses of sweet cherry leaf to natural cold conditionsMatej Vošnjak, Helena Šircelj, Dominik Vodnik, Valentina Usenik, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: cold stress, phenolic compounds, quality, photosynthesis, pigments, Prunus avium, recovery Full text (file, 1,41 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Response of chloroplast pigments, sugars and phenolics of sweet cherry leaves to chillingMatej Vošnjak, Helena Šircelj, Metka Hudina, Valentina Usenik, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: abiotic, biochemistry, carbohydrates, metabolism, monosaccharides, physiology, plant physiology, plant sciences, plant stress responses, secondary metabolism, sugar alcohols Full text (file, 1,62 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. The effect of mycorrhizal inoculum and phosphorus treatment on growth and flowering of ajania (Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries) plantMatej Vošnjak, Matevž Likar, Gregor Osterc, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, dark septate endophytic fungi, phosphorus, fertilization, growth, flowering, fungal colonization Full text (file, 1,24 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. The effect of water supply on sweet cherry phytochemicals in bud, leaf and fruitMatej Vošnjak, Davor Mrzlić, Metka Hudina, Valentina Usenik, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: bud, fruit, irrigation, leaf, organic acids, phenolics, Prunus avium, sugars Full text (file, 940,97 KB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Evaluating the development of pre-service primary school teachers’ competences in the context of a student-centred science visits courseKatarina Susman, Matej Vošnjak, Jerneja Pavlin, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: science education, student-centred approach, outdoor learning, competences, pre-service primary school teachers’ self-assessment Full text (file, 244,84 KB) This document has more files! More... |