2. Ribe in vzdolžna povezanost vodotokov na porečju SoreGregor Kolman, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, prečne vodne zgradbe, indeks DCI, ribji prehodi, urejanje vodotokov, vzdolžna povezanost vodotokov Full text (file, 6,11 MB) |
4. Responses of freshwater diatoms and macrophytes rely on the stressor gradient length across the river systemsGorazd Urbanič, Barbara Debeljak, Urška Kuhar, Mateja Germ, Alenka Gaberščik, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: diatoms, macrophytes, river, trophic condition, indices, nutrients, land use variables, composite gradient Full text (file, 2,27 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Ekologija ličink enodnevnic (Ephemeroptera), vrbnic (Plecoptera) in mladoletnic (Trichoptera) v rekah bioregije Preddinarska hribovja in ravnineMojca Hrovat, 2014, doctoral dissertation Keywords: enodnevnice, Ephemeroptera, vrbnice, Plecoptera, mladoletnice, Trichoptera, ličinke, raba tal, mikrohabitat, reke, kakovost vode, Slovenija, CCA, kanonična korespondenčna analiza, pCCA, parcialna kanonična korespondenčna analiza, disertacije Full text (file, 2,93 MB) |
10. The Mediterranean intercalibration exercise on soft-bottom benthic invertebrates with special emphasis on the Italian situationAnna Occhipinti Ambrogi, Giulia Forni, Cecilia Silvestri, Marina Argyrou, Ester Jordana, Borut Mavrič, Susana Pinedo, Nomiki Simboura, Gorazd Urbanič, 2009, original scientific article Keywords: morje, Severni Jadran, WFD, interkalibracija, bentoški nevretenčarji, nevretenčarji, pridneni organizmi, interdisciplinarni pristopi, bentos, mednarodno sodelovanje, AZTI indeks, AMBI, MBP-Piran, WFD, scuba diving, AZTI, shallow waters, AMBI, in situ experiment, benthic organisms, invertebrates, intercalibration process Full text (outside link) |