1. Suppressing the Hofmeister anion effect by thermal annealing of thin-film multilayers made of weak polyelectrolytesTin Klačić, Klemen Bohinc, Davor Kovačević, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: layers, polyelectrolytes, surface roughness, thickness, thin films Full text (file, 4,83 MB) This document has more files! More... |
2. Role of substrate type in the process of polyelectrolyte multilayer formationMia Mesić, Tin Klačić, Anže Abram, Klemen Bohinc, Davor Kovačević, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: polyelectrolyte multilayers, silicon, titanium, AFM, tensiometry, ellipsometry, streaming potential Full text (file, 3,24 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Bacterial adhesion capacity of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to polyelectrolyte multilayer coated urinary catheter surfaceKlemen Bohinc, Lora Kukić, Roman Štukelj, Anamarija Zore, Anže Abram, Tin Klačić, Davor Kovačević, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: urinary catheters, polyelectrolyte multilayers, bacterial adhesion, Escherichia coli Full text (file, 2,56 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Vpliv električnih in magnetnih polj na bakterijeRok Pratnekar, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: radiološka tehnologija, statično magnetno polje, statično električno polje, preživetje bakterij, adhezija bakterij, polielektrolitske plasti, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Full text (file, 3,44 MB) |
5. Experimental and theoretical study of morphological and charging properties of truncated octahedron and cubic ceria nanoparticlesKlemen Bohinc, Karla Korade, Katarina Jerin, Nikolina Lešić, Marijana Đaković, Goran Dražić, Jean-François Dufrêche, Davor Kovačević, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: cerium oxide, truncated octahedron nanoparticles, cubic nanoparticles, surface charge, HR-TEM, isoelectric point, density functional theory Full text (file, 5,86 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Influence of polyelectrolyte multilayer properties on bacterial adhesion capacityDavor Kovačević, Rok Pratnekar, Karmen Godič Torkar, Jasmina Salopek, Goran Dražić, Anže Abram, Klemen Bohinc, 2016, original scientific article Keywords: bacterial adhesion, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, polyelectrolyte multilayers, poly(allylamine hydrochloride), poly(4-styrenesulfonate), scanning electron microscopy, zeta potential Full text (file, 8,82 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Bacterial adhesion on glass–ionomer cements and micro/nano hybrid composite dental surfacesKlemen Bohinc, Erna Tintor, Davor Kovačević, Rajko Vidrih, Anamarija Zore, Anže Abram, Željka Kojić, Marija Obradović, Valentina Veselinović, Olivera Dolić, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: bacterial adhesion, glass–ionomer cement, micro/nano hybrid composite, surface properties Full text (file, 3,18 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Adhezija Candida albicans na poli(metil) metakrilat z nanosom polielektrolitskih večslojevTina Velikonja, 2022, undergraduate thesis Keywords: diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, poli(metil) metakrilat, Candida albicans, adhezija kvasovk, totalne proteze, stomatitis pod protezo Full text (file, 4,08 MB) |
9. Cation adsorption in TiO$_2$ nanotubesAtiđa Selmani, Bertrand Siboulet, Mario Špadina, Yann Foucaud, Goran Dražić, Borna Radatović, Karla Korade, Ivan Nemet, Davor Kovačević, Jean-François Dufrêche, Klemen Bohinc, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: adsorption, charge inhomogeneities, nanotubes, potentiometric acid−base titration, surface charge, ions, oxides, titration Full text (file, 6,64 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Biocompatible polyelectrolyte multilayers with copper oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles for inhibiting bacterial growthNives Matijaković Mlinarić, Stefanie Altenried, Atiđa Selmani, Juraj Nikolić, Aleksander Učakar, Anamarija Zore, Anže Abram, Sandro Lehner, Andrijana Sever Škapin, Monika Kušter, Eva Roblegg, Davor Kovačević, Qun Ren, Klemen Bohinc, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: polyelectrolyte multilayers, alginate, poly(allylamine hydrochloride), CuO, ZnO, nanoparticles, Escherichia coli Full text (file, 6,92 MB) This document has more files! More... |