Keywords: ESL/EFL classroom, drama and theatre activities, motivation, learners’ well-being, development of language skillsFull text (file, 2,43 MB)
Keywords: gamification, tabletop games, learner-centeredness, motivation, sociolinguistic competenceFull text (file, 1,56 MB)
Keywords: IKT, poučevanje angleščine, poučevanje ruščine, motivacija, razvoj jezikovnih zmožnostiFull text (file, 2,43 MB)
Keywords: analgesia, cats, dogs, pain, surveyFull text (outside link)
Keywords: taboo topics, taboos, English, teachers, studentsFull text (file, 2,98 MB)
Keywords: assessment, alternative assessment methods, portfolio assessment, attitudes of students and teachersFull text (file, 1,87 MB)
Keywords: assessment, alternative assessment, peer assessment, peer feedback, oral presentations, attitudes of students and teachers.Full text (file, 4,58 MB)
Keywords: tuji jezik angleščine, TJA, učbenik, spolna pristranskost, spolna reprezentacija, osnovna šola, avtor, angleščina kot materni jezik, slovenščina kot materni jezik.Full text (file, 2,17 MB)