1. Primerjava spremljanja rasti kvasovk z metodo merjenja optične gostote in z metodo določanja suhe biomaseBorut Pohar, 2006, undergraduate thesis Keywords: kvasovke, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, biomasa, suha biomasa, merjenje optične gostote, rast kvasovk, algoritem rastne krivulje Full text (file, 433,95 KB) |
2. The analogical model of cognitive principles and its significance for the dialogue between science and theologyBorut Pohar, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: analogical model, cognitive principles, stages of understanding, reason, intellect, dialogue, science, theology Full text (file, 463,72 KB) This document has more files! More... |
3. The Gospel’s double antisymmetry as the end-point of the development of Western societyBorut Pohar, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: Gospel, double antisymmetry, mountain-body model of understanding, four-layered reality, material world, lifeworld, material life, personal life, science, Western society, conversion Full text (file, 807,47 KB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Pomen tehnologije in religije v kontekstu teistične evolucije Teilharda de ChardinaBorut Pohar, 2023, review article Keywords: evolucija, proces, kompleksnost, povezanost, prepletanje, tehnologija, poklicna etika, znanost, religija Full text (file, 357,86 KB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Resonanca med znanostjo in krščanskim naukom kot pot do resonančnosti pluralne družbeBorut Pohar, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: resonanca, znanost, religija, epistemične vrednote, sklepanje o najboljši razlagi, smiselnost, razumnost Full text (file, 356,03 KB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Dialog med znanostjo in religijo pri Alistru E. McGrathuBorut Pohar, 2018, doctoral dissertation Keywords: McGrath, dialog, znanost, kritični realizem, logični pozitivizem, postpozitivizem, naravna teologija, apologetika, Vera in razum Full text (file, 3,22 MB) |