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1. Inertial focusing of neutrally buoyant particles in heterogenous suspensions Anže Hubman, Igor Plazl, Tomaž Urbič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: inertial lift, lattice-Boltzmann method, immersed-boundaries |
2. Structure and thermodynamics of a 2D Lennard-Jones hexagonal fluid Anže Hubman, Tomaž Urbič, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: RISM, integral equation theory, bezene like |
3. Študij fokusiranja delcev v mikrofluidnih sistemih z uporabo mrežne Boltzmannove metode Anže Hubman, 2021, undergraduate thesis Keywords: mikrofluidika, mrežna Boltzmannova metoda, fokusiranje delcev |
4. Modeliranje adsorpcije vode v aluminofosfatu tipa LTA Anže Hubman, 2023, master's thesis Keywords: adsorpcija, aluminofosfati, molekulska dinamika, teorija gostotnega funkcionala, difuzija |