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31. [Scientific and technical information and rural development
2010, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences)

Keywords: znanstvene informacije, tehnične informacije, strokovne informacije, razvoj podeželja, dokumentalistika, kongresi, posvetovanja
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32. Protected areas, tourism and development of the countryside
Jana Zurc, 2010, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: varovana območja, razvoj podeželja, turizem, Slovenija
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33. [ Cooperative responses to global challenges
2012, proceedings of professional or unreviewed scientific conference contributions

Keywords: zadruge, zadružništvo, razvoj podeželja, Berlin, posvetovanja
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35. EU rural development policy in the new programming period
Luka Juvančič, 2007, published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture)

Keywords: kmetijstvo, razvoj podeželja, EU
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