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21. Se še spomnite, kako majhen je atom?
Dušan Krnel, 2016, professional article

Keywords: fizika
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23. Learning and e-materials
Dušan Krnel, Barbara Bajd, 2009, original scientific article

Keywords: e-učenje, e-gradiva, učinkovitost
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24. Grafi - kako prikažemo odnos med spremenljivkami
Dušan Krnel, 2011, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: zbiranje podatkov, obdelava podatkov
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25. Pošten poskus - kako izvedemo poskus, da rezultati niso pristranski
Dušan Krnel, 2011, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: poskusi
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26. Spoštovane bralke in bralci
Dušan Krnel, 2011, preface, editorial, afterword

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29. Raztopina, suspenzija, usedlina
Dušan Krnel, 2012, popular article

Keywords: čiste snovi, zmesi
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30. Temperatura
Dušan Krnel, 2012, other component parts

Keywords: metodika, učne metode, termometer, temperatura, izdelava, osnovne šole
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