This thesis focuses on the correlation between wildfire occurrences, their intensity, and the meteorological parameters in the area of the Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL). The collected data shows the characteristics of wildfires and meteorological parameters between the years 2013 and 2022. Wildfires are increasingly becoming a serious problem throughout the world as climate change improves the conditions for fires to develop and ignite.
The analysed data and the calculated correlation coefficients suggest that meteorological parameters do influence the occurrence and intensity of wildfires. Some meteorological parameters (such as the number of days with a relative humidity below 30%, the number of days with a relative humidity below 50%, and the duration of solar radiation) have a greater influence on the occurrence and intensity of wildfires than others (such as the number of hot days, and the average monthly temperature). If the meteorological parameters change, so does the number and the intensity of wildfires. Considering the correlation coefficients between the number of wildfires and the meteorological parameters, the slopes of the trend lines for some meteorological parameters, suggest that the conditions for the development of wildfires will improve in the coming years. The amount of solar radiation increases every year while the amount of precipitation decreases. Due to the decrease of rainfall, the moisture of soil and plants is reduced. In addition, the solar radiation increases every year, which altogether improves the overall conditions for dry spells, and consequently, the conditions for the ignition and development of wildfires.