We live in a world, which is in a period of great progress and growth. The current developments, especially in the field of technology, have enabled us with limitless capabilities for communication. We are largely exposed to foreign languages and cultures, so the need to facilitate communication in foreign languages appears. As regards this, Slovenia made a step in the right direction in 2016, when it introduced mandatory foreign language learning from the second grade onwards. By doing this we have ensured that our pupils are exposed to foreign language learning in the critical period for language learning. One of the aims of foreign language learning is also the development of intercultural competence. The pupils are in fact exposed to a foreign language, which was developed by a foreign culture, so therefore a part of learning foreign languages is also learning about the culture, which has created and developed this language. In the process of learning, pupils can create false assumptions and misconceptions about a certain culture because they do not understand this culture. Pupils do not originate from the same environment that created this language, so it is important that we present them correct and accurate information about these cultures and by that, we educate them into individuals, who are capable of correct communication on an international scale. In my action research of this master’s paper, I will try to explore if there are any misconceptions or stereotypes that are present in the classroom about cultures, which have played a significant role in developing the English language. Also, I will try to bring pupils closer to chosen cultures and through my lessons, enriched with intercultural contents, strive towards dismissing potential stereotypes and misconceptions. The proposed research has been done in two different fifth grades in elementary school, including 14 lessons (two observation lessons and five teaching lessons in each class) in 2021. At the beginning of the research, I will firstly assess the status in each class, the level of pupil’s intercultural competence and if the pupils have any stereotypes or misconceptions about British, American or Indian culture. Then I will establish an execution plan for my action research, which will be based on the use of intercultural competence with an emphasis on the equality and acceptance of all cultures. The research was supplemented as necessary and throughout my teaching I strived towards fulfilling the established research goals. This research will aid the next generations of teachers, who will have an opportunity to enrich their teaching with the conclusions, which I reached through this research process. I expect to have successfully eliminated the current stereotypes and through my teaching, enriched with intercultural competence, bring pupils closer to selected cultures.