Introduction: Magnetic resonance imaging of the fetus is a non-invasive procedure used in prenatal diagnostics. It is used as a method of choice to identify abnormalities in fetal development and pathologies of the central nervous system. The basis for fetal magnetic resonance imaging are mainly ultra fast sequences, which affect the time of examination and the formation of artifacts due to fetal movement. In addition to these, the protocol includes fast Gradient Echo sequences and diffusion weighted imaging.the use of advanced pulse sequences is not so common. Purpose: The purpose of our diploma work is to determine the differences between protocols in the literature and the protocol used at University Medical Center Ljubljana, based on a systematic literature review. Methods: We used the descriptive method in combination with a systematic literature review. In the analysis were included 19 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All of the data was collected from 20.10.2020 to 20.4.2021. We searched for data in both slovenian and foreign databases. Results: In the results we presented the differences between different protocols in the literature and the protocol used at the University Medical Center Ljubljana. For better overview the data was presented in two separate tables. The first table included data about the type of the study, authors and years of publication for each article, pathology, purpose of the procedures, used protocols and key findings. The second table contained protocols with all of the parameters for each sequence from the given protocols. Discussion and conclusion: We figured out that most of the protocols were comparable or the same as the protocol used at the University Medical Center Ljubljana. Remaining protocols contained additional Gradient Echo pulse sequences or advanced pulse sequences. Pulse sequences names vary due to the different Magnetic Resonance tomographs manufacturers. We figured out that there is a significant difference in the parameters used for the same sequence in different protocols. We atributed this to the various manufacturers and protocol optimization.