This master's thesis presents the adaptation of the main spindle on a modern anthropomorphic robot for cryogenic cutting. The main spindle on the robotic arm Kuka (KR150-2 S2000) had to be upgraded with appropriate elements to perform cryogenic cutting. In this purpose are presented the wider or general use of CO2 gas and its advantages and disadvantages from the environmental point of view. The topic then focuses on cryogenic cutting, where the main goal is to emphasize why the cryogenic approach is the best alternative to the conventional one (emulsion). Various researches and studies are presented with the belonging results, which compare the conventional and cryogenic approach of cooling and lubrication in the process of cutting. In the experimental part, it will be necessary to ensure 100% sealing between the individual elements through, which the refrigerant travels, and based on the test run, it will be necessary to eliminate all problems that can't be anticipate in the design phase. The entire process is described so as the stages component drawings and other documentation. The test run of the cooling operation is shown, which is defined for visual testing and for testing with a temperature measuring sensor. The final findings that were made during the implementation of the spindle adaptation and the implementation of experiments are presented. All the necessary costs that were used for the successful implementation of the adaptation are shown.