
Adaptacija glavnega vretena na sodobnem antropomorfnem robotu za odrezavanje s skoznim dovodom hladilno mazalnega sredstva
ID Bizjak, Urban (Author), ID Pušavec, Franci (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je predstavljena adaptacija glavnega vretena na sodobnem antropomorfnem robotu za kriogeno odrezavanje. Glavno vreteno na robotski roki Kuka (KR150-2 S2000), je bilo potrebno nadgraditi z ustreznimi elementi za izvajanje kriogenega odrezavanja. V ta namen je predstavljena širša oziroma splošna uporaba plina CO2 ter njegove prednosti in slabosti z okoljevarstvenega vidika. Nato se tema usmeri v kriogeno odrezavanje, kjer je glavni cilj poudariti zakaj je kriogeni pristop najboljša alternativa konvencionalnemu (emulzija). Predstavljene so razne raziskave in študije s pripadajočimi rezultati, katere primerjajo konvencionalni in kriogeni pristop hlajenja in mazanja pri procesu odrezavanja. V eksperimentalnem delu bo potrebno zagotoviti 100 % tesnenje med posameznimi elementi po katerih potuje hladilni medij ter na podlagi testnega zagona potrebno odpraviti vse težave, ki jih v fazi zasnove ideje ni moč predvideti. Opisan je celoten postopek in faze dodelave vretena s pripadajočimi CAD modeli, sestavnimi risbami in ostalo dokumentacijo. Prikazan je testni zagon delovanja hlajenja, kateri je opredeljen na vizualno testiranje in na testiranje s senzorjem za merjenje temperature (termopar). Predstavljene so končne ugotovitve, ki so nastale tekom izvajanja adaptacije vretena in izvedbo eksperimentov. Prikazani so vsi stroški, ki so bili potrebni za uspešno izvedbo adaptacije.

Keywords:kriogeno odrezavanje, uporaba CO2, kapljeviti ogljikov dioksid (LCO2), enokanalni dovod LCO2 z oljem (MQL), adaptacija vretena
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Bizjak]
Number of pages:XX, 59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125019 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:57107715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Adaptation of modern antropomorf robot main spindle for using in machining with through the tool cooling lubrication delivery
This master's thesis presents the adaptation of the main spindle on a modern anthropomorphic robot for cryogenic cutting. The main spindle on the robotic arm Kuka (KR150-2 S2000) had to be upgraded with appropriate elements to perform cryogenic cutting. In this purpose are presented the wider or general use of CO2 gas and its advantages and disadvantages from the environmental point of view. The topic then focuses on cryogenic cutting, where the main goal is to emphasize why the cryogenic approach is the best alternative to the conventional one (emulsion). Various researches and studies are presented with the belonging results, which compare the conventional and cryogenic approach of cooling and lubrication in the process of cutting. In the experimental part, it will be necessary to ensure 100% sealing between the individual elements through, which the refrigerant travels, and based on the test run, it will be necessary to eliminate all problems that can't be anticipate in the design phase. The entire process is described so as the stages component drawings and other documentation. The test run of the cooling operation is shown, which is defined for visual testing and for testing with a temperature measuring sensor. The final findings that were made during the implementation of the spindle adaptation and the implementation of experiments are presented. All the necessary costs that were used for the successful implementation of the adaptation are shown.

Keywords:cryogenic cutting, the use of CO2 gas, liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2), single-channel supply of LCO2 and oil (MQL), spindel adaptation

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