There are multiple manifestations of death in Slovene films. In this master’s thesis about Death in
Slovene film from 1991 to 2018, the author focused on feature full-length films. She had analysed
approximately two thirds of all recorded feature films, among which some independent films can be
found. She had watched and analysed all of them and she had marked where and in what way deaths
are implemented in the stories. One can read through the whole list of watched films in the annex to the
thesis. She had grouped the manifestations of death in the most frequent forms, such as suicides,
murders, deaths of natural causes, deaths of accidental causes, manifestations of after-life, perceptions
of deaths in comedies and other subchapters. In the thesis author deals with the modes of depictions of
death through film’s means of expression, the scripts and through social-political situation of Slovene
film and society in the era of films in research. The frequency of deaths is also being compared to the
average statistics of the country. Lastly, the author also questions the causes of fascinations about
depictions of death among Slovene filmmakers.