The painting "Kranj in flames" has three categories of conservation-restoration issues. The iron plate is heavily corroded, the oil paint is hidden under a thick darkened layer of fast drying oil and the mentioned layer is also covered by a chaotic mass of graphite signatures. After consulting with the employees in the National museum of Slovenia (Nataša Nemeček, Mateja Kos) a decision was made to remove it all. The removal of signatures was possible with a combination of the Magic Groomstick with mucin and triammonia citrate (TAC) or with buffers hydroxymethyl aminomethane (TRIS) pH 8,5 and triethanolamine (TEA) pH 8.The darkened layer was soluble in pH 7 and pH 8 solution of TAC and sodium hydroxyde (NaOH). The solution with higher pH, 8, and rigid gel agar. Agar was necessary for the thickest and least soluble parts. Corrosion was removed mostly mechanically or with different chemical agents. After conservation-restoration work the artistic aspect of the painting was clearly more visible again and also colours became closer to the original hues.