Modern market is saturated with different brands, which represents a high obstacle for companies that want to successfully retain or increase their market share. One way to overcome this obstacle is to develop brand image that has a positive influence on consumers brand loylaty and therefore affects brand sales. Because of that it is very important that companies are familiar with the brand perception, created in the minds of the consumers. One of many possibilities for determening brand image is with the help of projective techniques. Those are often criticized because of their questionable traceability and objectivity, which is also at the center of my research question. With the usage of two projective techniques, that provided similar results on the image of four car brands, I refuted the lack of traceability and objectivity of results, gained through my research. In my paper, I also point out that the field of brand image and projective techniques in marketing research are in general overlooked, but should not be. Brands are becoming more and more similar, when comparing their physical attributes and it is why companies must differentiate their brands based on immaterial attributes. Surely one of those attributes is brand image.