We live in a time of globalisation and knowledge-based society. The latter promotes lifelong learning so that individuals, companies and countries are able to function in a successful and competitive manner in the world that found itself in the middle of economic and social changes in modern societies. We faced a major global economic crisis, the consequences of which are still present in the form of stalling economic growth, job losses, and problems related to the living standard. The crisis, which mostly affected young people, had an influence on a vast majority of the world’s population. Young graduates or those looking for their first employment already encounter difficulties when entering the labour market, while these issues are even more of a burden in times of economic crisis. They lack the necessary work experience, their knowledge is too broad, and it is difficult for employers to give them career opportunities. Nevertheless, they believe that the solution lies in studying social sciences, which may be due to their ambition and competitiveness in the job market as a result of prolonged student status that allows them to do student jobs as a rare opportunity for gaining work experience. However, it would be essential to invest more in research and development, but also in education of doctorate-holders in the field of technical and scientific disciplines in order to re-launch the economy and successfully integrate Slovenian companies into the world market, mainly in the form of global value chains (GVCs).