In modern times, companies in many industries are too focused on maximizing profits and achieving best possible results on the market, but at the same time they often forget about those who have brought profits to the company. We are too often listening to tales of exploited workers who, for a minimal payment, also work outside the scope of their contractual obligations in fear that they will lose their job if they do not always work in a way that their supervisors told them to. There is a belief that employees need work, and not vice versa. Therefore it's pretty common that stress and burnout appears among employees, which results in a negative impact on the company's results.
Companies should be aware that they need to invest most in human capital if they want to achieve long term growth. We can have several different companies in the same industry, but some are much more successful and recognizable precisely because of motivated and satisfied staff, which brings positive results to the company. Companies need to give employees the feeling that they play and important role in the work process and that they are the ones who are responsible for the success of the company. In a collective where good relations are in place and where employees can freely express their opinions without fear of possible consequences, the results of the work are better, the products and services are of better quality, the number of sick leave or job termination is significantly reduced, and the companies can also avoid unnecessary costs associated with reintroduction of work personnel.
The satisfaction survey in the selected organization has shown some pretty good results, as they show that the employees are quite satisfied with their work. The factor, that employees like the most, is autonomy in their work. This means, that their supervisors do not exercise excessive control over them. At the same time, they also enjoy their working time, as it is flexible and allows them to avoid stress in the road in the morning and they might even miss a bit without serious consequences. Among the lower assessed factors are satisfaction with salary and satisfaction with possibility of additional education of employees, for which I also made suggestions for improving the situation.