Despite the rising investments and awareness of companies about the importance of the development of information systems, large shares of such projects end unsuccessfully. New technology can be implemented in the company, but not regularly used on a daily basis by employees. In 75% of cases, the implementation of new information systems is overdue. The main reasons for such a large share of unsuccessfully completed IT development projects are resistances to change, which is also a natural reaction of people to any change. The second reason is failed implementation of pre-implementation measures, as the development of information systems impacts on users' opinions and views even before they begin to be developed. The third reason is unsuccessful technical training of employees about the new tool. The education of workers is a major prerequisite for effective and frequent use of any systems. After 15 years, at Renault Nissan Slovenija d.o.o. they finally realized that it is necessary to update the system of Commercial actions, which is used to create B2B »Push« campaigns for Renault authorized network and is used by salesmen/sales personnel in the company, warehouse and marketing After sales. Since this system is complex and affects the everyday life of the entire After sales department, its implementation is all the more demanding. The goal of the project is to successfully complete the project and to ensure the best possible implementation and frequency of using the new system. Output of the new Commercial action system (KA2) is to reduce the scale of manual work, improve user experience and analytics, and most importantly, increase the sales of spare parts. All this is possible only through the successful participation of all involved departments.