
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Nace Zidar

Together there are 33 keywords, that are appearing 64 times.
11 of them (33.33 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 42 times (65.63 % of all appearances).

7x16.67%zaviralec, rak
5x11.9%N-fenilpirolamid, protibakterijska učinkovina
4x9.52%protirakava učinkovina
3x7.14%Hsp90, DNA-giraza B
2x4.76%C-končna domena Hsp90, ATP-kompetitivni zaviralec, DNA-giraza, človeška DNA-topoizomeraza IIα
1xN-(2-izopropoksifenil)-pirolamid, ATP kompetitivni zaviralec, pirolidin, ATP-kompetitivni zaviralci, benzotiazoli, N (2 benziloksi) fenilpirolamid, DNA topoizomeraza IIα, piperidin, citotoksičnost, N-(2-benziloksi)fenilpirolamid, DNA-topoizomeraza IIα, arilsulfonamid, DNA-topoizomeraza II, deksrazoksan, topoizomeraza IV, napetostno odvisni natrijevi kanalčki, Nav1.3, šaperon, protein toplotnega šoka, protein toplotnega šoka 90, protibolečinsko sredstvo, načrtovanje učinkovin