
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Franci Aco Celar

Together there are 91 keywords, that are appearing 114 times.
15 of them (16.48 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 38 times (33.33 % of all appearances).

4x10.53%razvoj, rastlinski škodljivci
3x7.89%Beauveria bassiana, bolezni rastlin, entomopatogene glive, varstvo rastlin
2x5.26%biotično zatiranje, biotično varstvo, herbicidi, krompirjeva plesen, glive, Phytophthora infestans, rast micelija, fungicidi, fitofarmacevtska sredstva
1xantagonistične glive, biotično varstvo rastlin, Trichoderma spp., pleveli, Phytophthora infestant, krompir, poljščine, Irska, lakota, zatiranje plevela, mikroparazitizem, pomanjkanje hrane, patogene glive, Planococcus citri (Risso), paradižnik, vrtnarstvo, peronospora destructor, Allium cepa, Lycopersicon esculentum, rast, Ridomil gold MZ 68 WP, Kocide DF, bakrovi pripravki, paradižnikova plesen, odpornost proti bolezni, glivične bolezni, bionomija, morfologija, fluazinam, agrumov volnati kapar, kemično zatiranje, naravni sovražniki, plesen, sorte, čebula, insekticidi, antibioza, rojenje, antagonistic fungus, populacija, genotip, flurochloridon, isoxaflutole, oljka, amidosulfuron, foransulfuron, paritveni tip, odpornost proti fungicidom, environmental factors, field experiment, maize, pathogen aggressiveness, mycotoxins, Slovenija, DON, ELISA, Olea europeae, slovenska Istra, svetlobne vabe, Črnovrška planota, Melolontha melolontha L., wheat, temperature, metribuzin, flurokloridon, padavine, poljski majski hrošč, pendimetalin, rastlinske bolezni, Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi, oljkov rak, razširjenost bolezni, micelij, prosulfokarb, toksičnost, propineb