
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Anita Jemec Kokalj

Together there are 56 keywords, that are appearing 71 times.
7 of them (12.5 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 22 times (30.99 % of all appearances).

5x22.73%mikroplastika, Porcellio scaber
4x18.18%kopenski rak
2x9.09%nanodelci, srebro, klorpirifos, kopenski rak enakonožec Porcellio scaber
1xraztapljanje, in vitro, mikrovlakna, zlato, prebavni sok, bakrov oksid, mezovlakna, vodna bolha, cebrica, mala vodna leča, vodni osliček, Acetilholinesteraza, GST, Glutation-S-transferaza, svetlobni režim, temperatura, AChE, populacija, biomarker, izlužki, laboratorijski poskus, jama, površinski, Asellus aquaticus, lastnosti zemlje, hrošč mokar, Tenebrio molitor, kmetijske prekrivne folije, biorazgradljiva plastika, kopensko okolje, lipopolisaharid, delci pnevmatik, DEHP, mehčalci plastike, ftalati, kopenski rak enakonožec, imunski procesi, analiza študij, hemolimfa, bakterijska in virusna okužba, asimilacija, tekstilna mikrovlakna, procesi povezani z imunostjo, optimizacija metod, plastični delci, nanoplastika, imunski odziv, porcellio scaber, obraščena mikroplastika