
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Blaž Stres

Together there are 69 keywords, that are appearing 89 times.
19 of them (27.54 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 39 times (43.82 % of all appearances).

3x7.69%mikrobne združbe
2x5.13%inhibitory assay, purification, prehrana živali, protein expression, NM-MDS, metagenomika, medicinska mikrobiologija, prebavni trakt, črevesna mikrobiota, Mur ligases, prostoživeči prežvekovalci, vampna mikrobiota, DNA sekvenciranje, Clostridium difficile, sekvenčne metode, vamp, molecular biology, cloning
1xITS rDNA, gut metabolites, constipation, microbial communities, human intestinal microbiota, taksonomija, Bacteroides, hypoxia, inactivity inflammation, genomika, statistične metode, nemetrično večdimenzionalno lestvičenje, fermentacija, metaanaliza, metagenom, identifikacija, hipoksija, ITS, predčasno rojeni, test BMP, insect cells, actinobacterial inhibitors, wastes, biodegradable wastes, oil waste, food waste, nuclear magnetic spectrometry, urine, metagenomcis, metabolomics, physical inactivity, data integration, microbiome, systems biology, black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, optimizacija, sirotka, fizikalno-kemijski parametri, bioinformatics, alkaliteta, metan, bioplin, anaerobna razgradnja, prepupae, larvae, waste reduction, gut microbiota, sequencing, mikroelementi