
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Jernej Jakše

Together there are 76 keywords, that are appearing 95 times.
12 of them (15.79 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 31 times (32.63 % of all appearances).

3x9.68%mikrosatelitni markerji, hmeljeva uvelost, biotehnologija, Humulus lupulus
2x6.45%molekularna genetika, molekularni markerji, disertacije, genetska variabilnost, Verticillium albo-atrum, Verticillium, genetika
1xrastlinska genetika, začetni oligonukleotidi, rastlinske sorte, Verticillium spp., geni, transkriptom, glive, bolezni rastlin, izolacija DNA, mikrosateliti, PCR, analiza diferencialnega izražanja genov, EST, alfa kisline, gensko kartiranje, SNP, SSR, valerofen sintaza, halkon sintaza, genetika rastlin, genetske analize, določanje nukleotidnega zaporedja, cDNA-AFLP, BLAST, GeneSnare, vinska trta, Merlot, Vitis vinifera L., PCR metode, plodovi oljk, conjugated bacteria, transgenic plants, inoculations, biotechnology, genetic engeenering, odpornost rastlin, genetically modified organisms, co-inoculations, transformations, evolucija, mitohondriji, primerjalna genomika, filogenetska analiza, mutacijska analiza, sekvenciranje naslednje generacije, mitohondrijski genom, molekulski markerji, glivične bolezni rastlin, Istrska belica, oljka, Olea europaea, bioinformatika, nukleotidna zaporedja, komplementarna DNA, cDNA knjižnica, celična biologija, kromosomi, pretočna citometrija, geni za odpornost, štetje kromosomov, poliploidnost, hermafroditne rastline, kariotipi, pirosekvenciranje