
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Urška Kosi

Together there are 52 keywords, that are appearing 103 times.
16 of them (30.77 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 67 times (65.05 % of all appearances).

10x14.93%uspešnost poslovanja, poslovanje podjetja, Slovenija
6x8.96%industrijsko podjetje, analiza
3x4.48%podjetje, sredstva, kemična industrija
2x2.99%Belinka, case study, poslovni izid, prodaja, kadri, vrednotenje, financiranje, stroški
1xLafarge cement, produkcija, gradbena industrija, letalski promet, ocene, nabava, Kontrola zračnega prometa Slovenije, investicije, transport, Fenolit, metode, infrastruktura, bilanca stanja, cestni promet, projekti, založništvo, Istrabenz, dodana vrednost, kapital, donos, trgovinsko podjetje, energetika, franchising, franšiza, pogodbe, Helios, Cinkarna Celje, okolje, tržne raziskave, živilska industrija, Gorenjski glas, tisk, komparacije, lesna industrija, Jelovica, Mlinotest