
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Jernej Kamenik

Together there are 46 keywords, that are appearing 51 times.
5 of them (10.87 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 10 times (19.61 % of all appearances).

2x20%standardni model, fizika osnovnih delcev, Higgsov bozon, kvark top, leptoquarks
1xeffective eld theory, simplifed models, B-anomalies, new physics in top quark physics, LHC, top-quarks, collider physics, non-resonant new physics, UV models., colored scalars, vector-like quarks, dark matter, flavor physics, Higgs boson, elementary particles, beyond the standard model, sipanje, sipalni presek, physics beyond the Standard model, lepton flavor universality violation, nevtrini, New Physics, flavor-violating processes, collider studies, dineutrino couplings, beyond the Standard Model, formalizem kappa, Yukawina sklopitev, efektivna teorija polja, Willsonov koeficient, low-energy theory, CP violation, razpadi mezonov, Majoranovi fermioni, $B \rightarrow \nu \nu (\gamma)$, hadronski trkalniki, asimetrija naprej-nazaj, FCC, Bozon $Z$, kvarki $b$, $B \rightarrow \nu \nu \gamma$