
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Tomaž Zwitter

Together there are 92 keywords, that are appearing 101 times.
7 of them (7.61 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 16 times (15.84 % of all appearances).

3x18.75%astronomy, stars
2x12.5%dvojne zvezde, eclipsing binaries, binaries, classification, peculiar stars
1xclose binaries, spectroscopic binaries, astronomija, numerical methods, radiative transfer, star atmospheres, popolni Sončev mrk, Sončevi blišči, medsebojna korelacija, Monte Carlo, spekter moči, korelacije, ionosfera, SID monitor, nebesna mehanika, LAVNet-Mex, efektivni rekombinacijski koeficient, VLF valovi, odbojna višina ionosfere, problemi n-teles, spektroskopija, uklonska mrežica, kolimator, optična vlakna, prekrivalne dvojnice, radialne hitrosti, modeling, overcontact binary stars, astrophysics, spektrograf, astronomska spektroskopija, active stars, statistika, Mars, vesoljska sonda MOM, chromospheric activity, spectroscopy, astronomska opazovanja, catalogues, RAVE survey, vesoljske sonde, identifikacija satelitov in meteorjev, solar flares, machine learning, open clusters, veja rdečih orjakinj, magnetic reconnection, radio astronomy, trieste solar radio system, X-rays, standard model of solar flares, asimptotska veja orjakinj, spektroskopski pregled neba GALAH, Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limita, rentgentske dvojnice, kozmološka sklopitev, kozmologija, konvolucijske nevronske mreže, pregled neba GALAH, simbiotična zvezda, klasifikacija, zvezdni parametri, GOES satellites, solar energetic particles, višina, azimut, horizontalni koordinatni sistem, meteorji, višina nad površjem, razdalja med letečim objektom in središčem Zemlje, nevtrini, IceCube, črne luknje, umetni sateliti, Galaksija, binaries: spectroscopic, experimental radio telescope, solar flare radio precursors, solar flare statistics, surveys, methods: data analysis, HR-diagram, Gaia, Bela pritlikavka, kozmični žarki