
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Franc Forstnerič

Together there are 55 keywords, that are appearing 63 times.
4 of them (7.27 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 12 times (19.05 % of all appearances).

4x33.33%kompleksne mnogoterosti, matematika
2x16.67%Riemannove ploskve, Kobayashijeva hiperboličnost
1xdvodimenzionalna oblika, holomorphic functions, Stein manifolds, prave preslikave, holomorfni avtomorfizmi, lastnost gostote, Koras-Russelova kubična mnogoterost, prstni odtisi, polinomske lemniskate, long ▫$\mathbb{C}^n$▫, polynomials, holomorfne preslikave, kohomologija, divizor, prvi Chernov razred, Grothendieckova grupa, koherentnost, snopi, several complex variables, entropy, Fatou-Bieberbach domain, limit sets, Brodyjeva hiperboličnost, complex dynamics, Poissonova formula, bounded exhaustion hulls, Carleman approximation, minimal surface, directed holomorphic curve, kontaktna geometrija, holomorphic map, Oka manifold, konformna harmonična preslikava, Riemannova ploskev, Rungejev izrek, Weierstrassov izrek, Stein manifold, Legendrove krivulje, zavite kontaktne strukture, princip maksimuma, harmonične funkcije, lastnost povprečne vrednosti, Cauchyjeva formula, minimalna ploskev, holomorfne funkcije, hiperravnine, holomorphic automorphism, jet interpolation, tame set, hiperbolične vložitve, Schwarzova lema