
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Primož Ziherl

Together there are 90 keywords, that are appearing 101 times.
10 of them (11.11 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 21 times (20.79 % of all appearances).

3x14.29%epitelijsko tkivo
2x9.52%surface tension, vertex model, morphogenesis, biophysics, gubanje, celična membrana, bending elasticity, biofizika, delitev celic
1xtopologija, epithelial tissue, apical constriction, adhesion, cells, phase diagram., many-body interactions, pairwise additivity, Hertz theory, finite deformations, cell approximation, finite-element analysis, non-close-packed lattices, diametral compression, Poisson ratio, cell organelles, fenestrations, perturbacijska teorija, Yukawa kapljevine, fazno ravnovesje, polielektroliti, teorija DLVO, celične strukture, elastičnost, površinska energija, ograjeni vezikli, vodne raztopine, statistična fizika, medicinska fizika, continuum mechanics, lipid vesicles, biological membranes, NMR spektroskopija, tumorji, strojno učenje, biomarkerji, metabolomika, Golgi Apparatus, medmembranska interakcija, epithelium, teorija elastičnosti, diferencialna površinska napetost, uklon, organoids, villi, clonal dominance, egg chamber, fruit fly, epitel, virusi RNA, poligonski razred, razurejeno tlakovanje, celica, celična smrt, topološki prehod, sekundarna struktura RNA, skalirni eksponenti, razvejeni polimeri, soft polymeric nanoparticles, liquid-drop model, mitohondrij, ogliščni model, celična delitev, površinska napetost, ograjeni vesikel, upogibna energija, colloids, polnilno razmerje, cilindrična ograditev, mehanika tkiv, hipotonična raztopina, particles at interface, phase diagram, deformation free energy, isostructural phase transitions, quasicrystals, napetostna pora, prostornina, celice CHO, elasticity