
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Erik Štrumbelj

Together there are 87 keywords, that are appearing 101 times.
10 of them (11.49 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 24 times (23.76 % of all appearances).

3x12.5%diplomske naloge, računalništvo, time series, univerzitetni študij
2x8.33%košarka, similarity measures, športno treniranje, računalništvo in informatika, clustering, matematično modeliranje
1xnaključni gozdovi, napovedovanje onesnaženosti, blasso, bayesovska regresija, Banisterjev model, RCF, vir onesnaženosti, Poisson, latentni prostor, Gaussovi procesi, faktorska analiza, števni podatki, strojno učenje, analiza podatkov, zbiranje podatkov, statistika, CF, strganje, Indeks PIR, beleženje, športni rezultati, strgalo dokumentov v obliki HTML, podatki, interdisciplinarni študij, regresija, statistična analiza, curling, simulacija, SQLite, podatkovna baza, spletne strani, Python, favorit, liga, turnir, matematična optimizacija, rakava obolenja, računalništvo v oblaku, Bayesova statistika, Stan, SaaS, latent structure, conditional independence, ensemble learning, negative binomial distribution, copula, model evaluation, Bayesian deep learning, kidney graft failure prediction, energy efficiency, intelligent lighting, medicine, survival analysis, remaining useful life, predictive maintenance, joint modeling, classification of similarity measures, representations, metoda bootstrap, OpenCL, GPU, standardna napaka, intervali zaupanja, algoritem Metropolis-Hastings, smart cities, mutacijska drevesa, parallelization, pseudo-random number generation, napovedovanje, variational autoencoders, recurrent neural networks, analiza signalov, cestno kolesarstvo, glasovanje, volitve, tehnologija veriženja blokov, metoda SCITE