
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Metka Filipič

Together there are 47 keywords, that are appearing 67 times.
9 of them (19.15 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 29 times (43.28 % of all appearances).

5x17.24%test komet
4x13.79%citotoksičnost, test MTT
2x6.9%mutageni, HepG2 celice, karcinogeni, celične linije, jeterne celice
1xMTS test, izražanje poročevalskega proteina, antigenotoksičnost, promotor p21, protein DsRED, test DPPH, Amesov test, heterociklični amini, mutagenost, biosenzorski sistem, karnozojska kislina, karnozol, antimutagenost, antioksidativnost, dvo-dimenzionalna elektroforeza, izražanje proteinov, rožmarinska kislina, test SOS/umuC, karcinogene spojine, toksičnost, ekspresija genov, celice humanega hepatoma, toplotna obdelava, pečenje, rak, heterociklični aromatski amini, meso, ekstrakti, disertacije, slovensko obalno morje, Tržaški zaliv, policiklični aromatski ogljikovodiki, morski sedimenti, biološko čiščenje, onesnaževanje, vzorci, čiščenje, prehrana