
The table show keyword appearance of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Table includes only keywords, appearing at least twice. This shows, how mentor's research fields and interest are changing through time.

Person: Matej Sova

indolamin 215 1  
rak 231  
zaviralci 32   
TLR7  12 2
imunski sistem 111 1
agonist   2 2
TLR8 21  1
3-dioksigenaza 1 211  
imunoterapija11 1  
Tollu podobni receptorji 11  1
antagonisti 2    
izoksazolo[5  1  1
imunoterapija raka 2    
3-dioksigenaza 1 (IDO1)11    
zaviralci IDO111    
avtoimunske bolezni 11   
zaviralec  11